i'm alice

hey, i'm heroic.

my name is Alice, i'm non-binary, and i create stuff. i'm known as "the Mii expert" due to my Mii-focused projects such as the Mii Library dedicated to fully documenting every official Mii ever. as you can tell, i'm a pretty big fan of Miis, Nintendo, and video games as a whole. i've been fascinated by video games ever since i first played them, and i always wanted to make my own someday, so i got really into video game research. Mii research (riisearch..?) just kinda stuck with me for being both really interesting and something not many other people have done before, which i like

i also like creating videos - i've been doing it ever since i was 9 but for very good reasons the majority of those videos are private and will preferably never see the light of day again (they're bad i was 9). nevertheless, i think i'm a decent editor now, but of course there's always more tricks and styles to learn when it comes to these things. my YouTube channel has some stuff sometimes, but not as much as i'd like, so i hope to do more with it soon.

i have a lot of ongoing creative projects and am terrible at managing all of them, so if you want to know about any specific project, feel free to ask me directly! also, please give me money i would like that a lot


Artwork by Twitter user @silly_pau


Artwork by Twitter user @LumaHoneyy


Artwork by Twitter user @silly_pau

Mii Library

 Site logo by Twitter user Polygon

...i also have an Instagram, a TikTok, and a Twitch, but i don't use them often enough for me to want to really advertise them here. but... they are me!


optionally, you can support me directly at my Patreon or Ko-fi. you would be really cool for doing it.

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HEYimHeroic
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/heyimheroic